Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeCommunityLettersTaxpayer prison funds get no return and other letters

Taxpayer prison funds get no return and other letters

Let’s start with prisons, it costs the taxpayers $400 a day to keep a convict, do they pay it back once released or if a murderer? Who wants those after 30 years, so take a life, then give yours with a needle get real – 30 years @ $400 a day….

House fires – now you must have approved smoke alarms – just try to get out of your intruder secured home in a hurry, especially if you are a child or aged.

I have seen a house burn to the ground in 15 minutes.

The owners escaped but not their dog that woke them.

Why not simple extinguishers as in many industrial buildings?

Get real, it’s not the government that pays for anything, it is the taxpayer.

After eight hospital admissions I started asking Google, and with their advice and the Mayo Clinic I have been much healthier – just ask for bad effects of any recommended medication, it can be very interesting at times, even from specialists who think they must give you a script for your visit.
R. Phipps – Park Ridge

I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony

I used to change the words to …sing as perfectly as me.

The second line is boastful, but the first one I endorse.

I’d love to see the world embrace a much more peaceful course.

The yearly week for Harmony, is well supported here.

MyCity Logan surely holds our many cultures dear.

The Logan Libraries also help, kids sessions they provide – to build the kind of harmony, I’d like to see world wide.

And while it might be fanciful to boast that I can sing..
“To see the world walk hand in hand”? Now that’s the real thing!
*Song by the New Seekers 1972.

Happy World Poetry Day too. ( March 21)

P. Wincen – Alexandra Hills

As the cost-of-living crisis deepens on the back of a global pandemic and natural disasters, many people are feeling overwhelmed with how to address the issues facing their community.

The Salvation Army is committed to identifying the most pressing challenges and providing targeted, local solutions.

If you can spare a few minutes of your time, you can help us by sharing your experience.

This independent, nationwide pulse check on social justice issues will capture the most pertinent concerns in your community right now.

The findings will allow us to direct services and advocate for positive change where it’s needed most.

First released in 2022, The Salvation Army’s _National Social Justice Stocktake _provided an overview of what mattered most to people across Australia.

It uncovered mental health and housing affordability as the top two concerns nationally, with alcohol and drug misuse, family violence and homelessness rounding out the top five.

We were inspired to see genuine interest from community leaders to understand the findings and as a result, we have welcomed some great initiatives, such as progress towards a National Housing and
Homelessness Plan and a modest increase to the JobSeeker allowance, but there is still so much to do.

This latest survey will allow us to gauge where progress has been made and where help is desperately needed.

It has become a crucial part of our advocacy, changing leaders’ perspectives on social justice.

Please help us by having your say at

The Salvation Army

I reply to Federal MP Bert Van Manen’s column on this carbon tax the labor party intends putting on utes.
The tax will increase the price by many thousands.
All to force Australians to purchase electric vehicles.
Electric vehicles are only useful for short distances.
They are great for people working in the cities, but certainly useless for Australia’s conditions on long journeys.
Several major motor manufacturers are already stopping EV and going back to standard vehicles again.
But now people are starting to learn that these emissions spewed out daily by our forests, volcanoes and oceans are life to the planet – not death.
They try to persuade us with nonsense when our fossil fuel industry would actually help nature to green more of the planet .
There is enough information on the interent to make anyone realise we are being conned.
Professor Ian Plimer – geologist and climate expert – who teaches in our universities, has been exposing the nonsense of this global warming for years and has published several books on it .
In the past couple of days I have read articles by three climate experts who are being deafened by the UN pushing this scam – which is just a world tax .
Unfortunately we have not a single MP or party with the balls to come outright against this scam of the century costing taxpayers billions.
This scam, that is robbing infrastructure like hospitals, schools, and police etc.
Dutton is ‘pussy-footing’ around that dreaded subject – coal – as like Turnbull and Morrison did.
Still trying to appeal to the greens, who are only 10% of the voting public.
Besides the One Nation Party, who in the liberals will speak outright against this scam?
Trump dumped the Paris agreement in his first two weeks in office as he is a climate sceptic and the worlds left wing news media went into a frenzy to get rid of him.
And still are, as he rocked the climate tax boat.
Think about it .
– Brian Doherty, Waterford



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