Logan District Police are calling on the community of Logan and Scenic Rim to steer clear of floodwater.
Emergency Alerts have been issued for areas within the Logan and Scenic Rim areas.
Stay up to date and aware of the situation around you via https://disaster.logan.qld.gov.au/ you can plan and act for your safety.
An Emergency Alert has been issued advising the Logan River flooding is now forecast to exceed 2017 flood levels. Maclean Bridge will peak on Monday 1.5m above the 2017 flood level. Waterford will peak on Tuesday 1.5m above the 2017 flood level. Residents are advised to plan and act for their safety.
Please do not enter floodwater. This includes on foot, on kayak or boat or in a vehicle. This weather event is dangerous and unpredictable. By entering floodwater you are not only putting yourself in danger but those that come to rescue you.
Remember – If it’s flooded, forget it! Stay up to date with latest information from Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). For flood assistance, contact State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency dial Triple Zero (000).