Fridays are especially hectic for local altruist Pete Underwood, who devotes her time to addressing hunger in Logan.
Through her organisation, Warm Hearts Warm Bellies Street Ministry, Ms. Underwood aids in stocking local food pantries, feeding schoolchildren, and supporting families in need.
While her passion project keeps her busy all days of the week, Ms Underwood and her small team find Fridays the busiest due to their program “Free Food Friday” at Browns Plains Kids Early Learning Centre.
“We put out my big red eskies, and they’re filled with all sorts of meat and cold goods, and there is a massive amount of fresh produce and pantry goods,” Ms Underwood said.
“From 2pm to 5pm, people can come and take whatever they want so they can feed their families for the weekends.”
The goods are provided by Ms underwood’s charity sponsors – SecondBite, OzHarvest and Foodbank.
“Friday is a crazy day, but it is awesome,” she said.
Ms Underwood created the charity almost two years ago as something she could leave to her son.
“I made it for my son, something for him to carry on,” she said.
“I made this so he can help people.”
It started small, with Ms Underwood working away alone from the spare room of her mother’s home.
“Then I moved directly upstairs from my mum’s place,” she said.
“Last Christmas, I think I lugged 87 boxes of produce up my stairs in the middle of summer.
“I’ve been on my own from the very beginning, up until just recently, about four months ago.”
Now Warm Hearts has a home base and a small team of passionate workers.
“I started off doing stuff mainly with homeless people, and then things got bigger and bigger, and I expanded into feeding multiple schools and their families,” Ms Underwood said.
“Now I’m starting community pantries.”
She already stocks two food pantries – one of which runs 24/7 – and has plans to make a third.
“That way people can access food all the time, and it is all free – there is no charge at all,” she said.
“That’s everything – meats, cold goods, pantry goods, hygiene stuff, cleaning stuff, pet food.”
The next item on her agenda is an upcoming community feast on 23 November.
“It’s going to be a community feast/food giveaway,” she said.
“We’re going to have a free barbeque, free drinks, an acoustic singer and guitarist, RSPCA are going to be here to give out free pet food, there is going to be face painting for the kids, and water play open at the kindy.
“Towards the end, we’ll do the food giveaway.
“Last time, we fed 200 families in an hour.”
This year, their goal is to feed 400 families.