Now that we’re in December, Christmas season is in full swing.
Trees are up in homes, lights are on display outside, kids are writing letters to Santa, and there are lots of community events on around our city.
One of my favourites at this time of year is the City of Logan Christmas carols.
But there are plenty of community carols on this weekend all over the city if you’d prefer something closer to home.
These are events that Council supports but are led by the local community and I know they’d be thrilled to see you there.
Saturday, 7 December, is the most festive day of the year with carols at Yarrabilba (San Damiano College) from 3.30pm, Waller Park in Browns Plains from 3pm and Shailer Park State High from 3pm.
Another thing I love about this time of year is that it’s all about giving and community kindness.
The Logan Giving Machine is a wonderful way to donate a meaningful gift to people in need this Christmas. You can find it at the Hyperdome (just outside Coles).
The Mayoress and I were there on the weekend to open it this year and donated some hot meals and fuel, but there are plenty of other options to help others. If you’re able to donate, I know the charities that the Giving Machine supports would be grateful.
The Christmas spirit is also in the air every morning before work when I’m out and about in our city waving with my Christmas sign at different locations.
I love seeing all your waves and hearing your honks as you drive past me in my Santa hat.
This is something I love doing it every year in the lead up to Christmas.
Being out in the community is super important to me – and while I’m very busy attending back-to-back school,
community and religious events in Logan, not to mention all the Council business I deal with as Mayor – I still like to get out and wave rain, hail or shine.
See you out there!
Christmas season in full swing