Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeFunProbus picnic celebration

Probus picnic celebration

October is the month for Probus clubs to celebrate “all things great” according to Cornubia’s thriving Probus chapter.

As they frequently do, the club’s 40 members recently celebrated October with a Probus picnic.

The “happy gathering” consisted of a sausage sizzle with champagne and orange juice, games, lucky tickets, and as always:fun and fellowship”.

“We were delighted to have as a visitor Miriam Stemp, our local council representative who joined us for this fun occasion and even managed to win a prize,” the club’s communications officer Carole Ekert said.

“Miriam mingled with members who took the opportunity to meet her if they hadn’t had the opportunity previously.

“Members chatted freely about Probus and any concerns they had – Miriam is very interested in helping with any problems older people experience.”

Cornubia Probus also manned a stall at the recent Logan senior expo, hoping to spread their message of friendship and fellowship to locals, and to fight against “loneliness and boredom after retirement”.

We are hoping that those people who expressed an interest at the expo follow through and can be welcomed into the family of Probus,” Ms Ekert said.

“… particularly if left alone after the death of a spouse,”

To find out more about the Probus Club of Cornubia, contact Carole Ekert on 0409267150.


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